PMAS V3.3 Patches & Enhancements

Recommended Patches

  1. LOGIN

    ECO:           LOGIN
    Description:   Corrects an obscure XSS vulnerability in the PMAS GUI
    Release date:  28-JAN-2021
    Platforms:     OpenVMS & Linux
    Version:       PMAS V3.3

    This ECO provides new versions of the PMAS GUI CGI programs pmaslogin and pmaslogout to prevent an obscure XSS vulnerability. pmaslogin also increases security of the PMAS cookies by setting the HttpOnly and Secure flags for the cookies.

    Please contact for download instructions for this ECO.

Security Patches

  1. OpenSSL 1.1.1l for PMAS V3.3

    ECO:OpenSSL 1.1.1l support
    Description:Upgrade OpenSSL from 1.1.1c to 1.1.1l
    Release date:24-AUG-2021

    Please contact for download instructions for this ECO.

    Note: Updates will not be available for OpenVMS.